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Space Truckers Mediation

While i’m tonight’s space trucker game there was dodging a blockade and dealing with poachers – in the chat the Captain robot R2DanR2 and pilot 1980s stuntman stranded in the future Tex plosion had a mediation session facilitated by humanoid slug Les Cargo.

Les Cargo

Les Cargo: OK Captain R2DAN2 and Tex… let’s just get together, have a pow wow and discuss how each of us feels about the behaviour of the other. Who wants to go first?


R2Dan2: Tex must respect the chain of command on this ship. He needs to know that he can come to me with anything, and if he wants to take sporadic anger out on a harmless visiting ship then really we should discuss tactics before taking action.

Les Cargo: I know neither of you thinks you’ve done anything wrong, but the PERCEPTION that another has done something to transgress against us. Tex, you need to listen to R2DAN 2 and respond

Tex Plosion

Tex Plosion: I ain’t taking no orders from no tin can

R2Dan2: you’ve put us in a difficult situation here Tex. Our friends and colleagues are in danger because of your actions.

As soon as we’re finished here with this important meeting I’m going to have to go and save the rest of the crew.

You need to take responsibility.

(meanwhile Dr Kutitov was getting shot)

Dr Kutitov

Dr Kutitov: Oh god! We all die now! Why did I not listen to mama! Be brick layer, she say

Tex Plosion: I ever show you this scar? I got this from a bar fight in Reno. They didn’t think I was responsible either. I showed em

R2Dan2: I’d like to move forward together from this, but you’re not making it easy for me.

Les Cargo: Tex… perception is EVERYTHING. Hiding your feelings is destructive and counter productive. But R2DAN2, you need to acknowledge TEx’s feelings that, as a tin can, you have no authority over him. That may not be correct, but it’s essential that, as a leader, you you take his position into account and compensate accordingly in your leadership style

Tex Plosion: You can compensate by recycling yourself, you rust bucket

Les Cargo: Also, Tex… cut down on the steroids Have some exudate… it will make you feel better

Tex Plosion: STEROIDS?! I DON’T KNOW WHAT CHU TALKING ‘BOUT!!!!!!! I’m all natural

R2Dan2: I fully perceive and accept that Tex is cannist. I don’t have to respect that position though. Truthfully, I pity him.

Les Cargo: Erm… have you heard of… exudate based ‘roids?

Tex Plosion: I don’t need your respect. I fly this motherf*cker, you’re just a big calculator

R2Dan2: Nobody should ever consume a roid – they are my brethren

Les Cargo: R2DAN2, you don’t have to respect it… but in order to be a successful leader you have to acknowledge it. You are in the position of authority, your responsibility is greater. And besides, Tex’s brain is obviously fired.


Tex Plosion: I’ll try anything once

Les Cargo: Consume my friend and take succour…

Tex Plosion: (slurp)

Les Cargo: uuuuuuurgh

R2Dan2: Tex, I’m removing your bathroom privileges until you provide a written apology. You must not eat other shipmates

Les Cargo: I think we’ve made real progress here I’m proud of you both I need to go and rehydrate. Let’s debrief later

Dean McIntyre (player aside) I am something, I hesitate to use the word “proud”

Tex Plosion: I can feel a mean dookie comin’ on. You rather I do it in the captains quarters?

Or in the captains empty can brain?

Les Cargo: This is an appalling failure of leadership. It is a clear indictation of why promotions should always be probationary

Les Cargo: I’m going to ooze out of a service pipe and try to appeal for calm

R2Dan2 Im going to grab a bag of salt from the stores, so that I’m ready for Les’s next surprise appearance.

Les Cargo: We sold the last consignment of salt to pay for sealant. We made a fairly reasonable profit on our initial investment although the inflation rate on Krangg’s World did reduce our investment portfolio slightly

In fact, I don’t think you were even the crew then. The Ship was called the Ronnie Pickering in those days

So many crews

So many….

R2Dan2: and I end up with this one 😥

Les Cargo: Teryy Crapper was the skipper in those days. Terry… now THERE was a captain

Piercing blue eyes. Actual flesh hands

And tolerance by the space pound!

Gave it all up to run a habadashery

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