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D&D 5th Ed – Icewind Dale – Chapter 2 Session 3

Continuing the narrative of the adventures of the Thursday night crew DM’d by Lockdown DM – this time i’ve written them up in the person of the halfling Ieva’s pet Chwinga ice elemental.


Back town Tagos. Big fluffy meat sack – licky licky. Licky licky take my meat sack and serious book axe meat sack to little little hut. Little Little smell dirt sack source fibre and starch. Meet sad sad meat sack who play with bones- i play with licky licky. Sad meat sack lose pokey pokey husband when he take chop chop meat sacks on ice and sad ask for help.

My meat sack say yes adventure. Licky licky come with.

licky licky

Later meet moody meat sack and point ear i’m always right meat sack. Me speak to moody meat sack pet devil. Pet Devil say –

Jack and Damon’s go ta rip of the innkeep rightZ Why ? Who knows – There’s a funnel up his arse and a breeze between his ears. All the same I suppose his guess is as good as ours y’know? All he knows is ‘shut up and keep going’. I mean, I for one, I can’t make any philosophical advance on that. I mean, honestly – can you?

There’s not even good eating on those things – now your halfling a half roasts up lovely – a cut of that and a bag of chips will see you right. Ya planning on a murderin anytime soon?

Pet devil very silly.

fluffy faces

March ice to find lost meat sack. Me protect meat snacks from blizzard. Argue find fluffy fluffy face meat sacks licky licky know friends lost meat sack. Busy busy fluffy fluffy meat sack bighome. Play with fluffy fluffy’s fluffy face.

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