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Mitteleuropedia NGO: The Cranes

A family that slays together stays together. The Cranes are a clan of swamp dwelling sky pirates based in the Kufthaus Mere outside Gatorschloss

Old Kennedy Krane was a bank robber and bandit would ploughed his funds into building a sleet of flying boats and seaplanes that hide deep in the mere. He rules with an iron fist and is a brutal crackling sadist.

His brother Johnson Krane is the tactical genius that plans there raids. He is just happy with loot and interesting raids to plan.

A third brother Nixon Krane sorts all the logistics and repairs. He’d like to build more of a power base in the swamp with a view to taking over Gatorschloss but his brother doesn’t share his ambition.

Nixon, Kennedy and Johnson

They have a brood of children and grandchildren to various partners that gives them around 100 crew. They run a very lean operation stealing from ships off sure as well as Zeppelin and road convoys. To keep the peace with other neighbours in the swamp they distribute some of their loot.

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